Thursday, July 1, 2010

mmm...Cool, Minty Bliss and Westerny Medicine

Vampires are all the rage now. Teens, Twilight, the Eclipse saga, feeling left out and smoking crack are in. If Dr. Quinn were still alive**, she'd slap a biatch, make her daughter take off that blasted Team Jacob tee, and go to medicine school like a good adopted pioneer daughter.

Did someone say Dr. Quinn? Funny you should ask. Her medicine town is still alive, in the magical land of Paramount Ranch.

sketch I made from the ranch. (or my own beach cruiser, take your pic)

** The Jane Seymour robot is still alive as well, starring in many new Lifetime films and designing jewelry with subliminal messages for QVC.

1 comment:

Apespfend said...

we need to have a chat on a. why is the dolphin channeling LL cool J, B. Jane seymour is really really beautiful and im not afraid of her slaps c. team edward.

tiny baby boy this is hilar. keep more minty coolness wafting this way.