Monday, December 21, 2009

And A Happy Holidays to You, Good Sir

Don't be so modest, Bar! YES it's for you!

Who wouldn't want this on their tree...

Post-modern Robin as Snowman:

As per usual, Maurice puts on a festive front and hides his true feelings:

Robin speaks out...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Whoever Said All Western Food Was Bland Never Tried This

Amanda Blank cd starring Robin Gibb:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Extinct Art Forms Can Be Fun!

Letterpress stationary...type set by hand, printed on a Chandler & Price; linoleum cut printed on a Vandercook press, at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena, California. This was my virgin experience with letterpress and it was time consuming but the end result is nice and worth it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

If Life Were A Malcolm Gladwell Novel, We'd All Be Playing Ice Hockey

Is it just me, or do my drawings get exponentially better each time? Some quality time with Robin today. Just hang out with him. Get to know him.

Starring: Robin Gibb Co-Starring: Goat medallion (no Druid priests were harmed in the making of these drawings)

Robin, relaxing.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tastes like revolution...or is that just my gum?

'I'm a woman's man, no time to talk.' If I was a dude, this would be my mantra. And I would have hair like Barry's.. and I'd have too many girls.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Up next, I hope you'll enjoy a song by Barry Gibb

The Mountain Man's Three Wolf Moon Shirt: a modern take.

Eagle shaped chairs add a little edge to your look.

Maurice always asking the tough questions.

Barry asks the other tough questions.

and sometimes he just is.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Your Wildest Dreams Can Come True...

Oh yes, they can. Open your ears and hearts and let in the sweet sounds of falsetto. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by the sexual edge and prowess of the Gibbs. It happens.

Maurice is the realistic brother.

Classic Barry, onstage, living the dream!

Maurice looking pensive.

Random Barrys.

Cold hands, warm heart. Big hair and beard, big...heart?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Barry(s) o' the day

Self-explanatory. Power of the beard and medallion. Written by Barry. Produced by Barry.

He was a lyricist.

Beard/body shot.

Fancy hair.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

B/C it's the newest trend, like, for realz? Get with it!

Today marked the start of my own personal newest trend. I'm going to draw Barry Gibb, frontman of the Bee Gees, every day. For the next month. A quick couple-minute portrait with a sharpie. And maybe I'll draw his brothers too if I'm feeling nice.

Today's effort here:

Love ya Bar! Today's song: "You Should Be Dancing."

More Barry (a little more detailed and also one in which he resembles Santa....):

Robin and Maurice (the twins!)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Really, I Want To Know

I saw Star Trek last night. Don't ask me why.
My question is:

Why do the bad guys space ships in movies always look like poisonous spiders with lots of extra legs, and the good guys ships resemble high-end vibrators?

Who decides this kind of stuff? The comic book kids living in basements? I mean, wouldn't the good guys want a bad ass looking ship to cruise around in?

In Which My (40-something/surfer/dad/wilco-fan) Creative Director is More Fashionable than Me.

This is the part of my life in which I learn that not only are my old clothes not cool or worth the $4 they pay you at Wasteland to resell them, but that my boss is MORE STYLISH THAN ME by westside hipster standards. I think I've had that sales girl look at me before, judging me. In the lunch line in 2nd grade when I picked orange drink instead of milk. And you know what? We weren't friends then either. The only thing that she bought from me was an XL animal collective T shirt that my boss gave me because he didn't like it. And I was selling it because I didn't like it. (Why are AC's t shirts always so bad....)

I'm out. I am leaving the runway. I'm going to quit being a designer and make rebuses for the rest of my life.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Why Don't You Just Sit On The Couch And Eat All The Chips

2009 is fantastic. I keep buying new music and getting new music from other people who've bought it. I can't stop listening. How does it make me feel? It makes me feel good. Not just good. Great. Like the women in the yogurt commercial at the wedding talking about how great it is to be women, because they're eating yogurt together and aren't married. I realize I've become addicted to certain music bloggers archive lists. Sometimes I find myself looking forward to Thursdays just so I can listen to gorilla vs. bear. I'm upset if I get to work and I miss parts of the blog. It's like a sickness. I'm like those people who need a twelve step program. Maybe I need to stop. But I just can't. I don't want to. Kind of like I don't want to stop drinking coffee, or wine.

Favorite things I've gotten recently:
Akron/Family - Set 'em wild, set 'em free
Junior Boys - Begone Dull Care
St Vincent - Actor
The Woods
Bonnie Prince Billie - Beware
Handsome Furs
Here We Go Magic
Dan Auerbach
Ariel Pink

and new Grizzly Bear, Deerhunter, and the National will be out soon.
And if someone could tell me where I could buy Neon Indian that would be great.

Where was all this awesome fucking music last year???

Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?

Let The Right One In.
There's something really refreshing about being able to say "My favorite part of the movie was the pool scene with the dismembered hand floating in the water." Little-ish kids en film don't bug me when they're growling and changing adults into vampires. Rad.
Vampire Kids=Rad (unless you're a teenage single mom! use Birth Control for
best results.
Snowfalling Scene=Rad (i don't gotta shovel that shiz)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This Just In: I'm Evil

What do you do when two of the most evil friends you have (who may also happen to be two of the most evil people you know in general) inform you that you, yourself, are evil (according to their not-so-humble opinions)?
If you know the answer to this, let me know.
In the meantime I'll be in my fortress of darkness.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I. Heart. Boy. (and sweet dance jam tracks)

100 days, 100 dances, 100 locations....etc.

BOOMBOX from Ely Kim on Vimeo.

I really like number 21 for the technique, but number 47 is my favorite for presentation.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Lobotomies: Fashionably in, or just Plain Fashionable??

The Samuels Advertising company espresso machine underwent surgery. Please send flowers to 1638 Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, care of Kristen.

The machine is now on a strict prescription of Intelligentsia Black Cat Espresso Blend.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 you're all mine--NEW YEARS REZZzzz.

I promised Jane one of my new year's resolutions would be writing more and upkeeping my blog. Take my aggression out here instead of sending incredibly long emails to people who don't deserve them anyway...sigh.

I got a couple resolutions for 09, yes I do.

1. BE NICE (r). Try not telling people to rot in hell. Status: resolution kept! Bam. 1 for 1. I'm a better person already. Fab. Learn from me.

2. Train for half marathon. Status: if you count sitting in traffic, drinking coffee and unpacking "training" then ..resolution kept! 2 for 2.

3. Upkeep my blog. Status: doing it right now. Bitch you crazy! 3 for 3.

4. Naming things that I'm doing as resolutions to make myself look productive....Status...Yeeeees. 4 for 4.

5. Redo my website so it's more functional. Ah. Damn. I'm being distracted by my blog!!! 4 - 5.

6. Upgrade my laptop with more RAM. guh. What's ram? Confound your RAM, toll troll! 4 - 6.

7. Get a new job. Ongoing. 4 - far.

8. Finish unpacking AND go through stuff. Kind of doing this. About halfway to three quarters done. 4.5 - 8.

9. Publish book. That I wrote. This could happen! Maybe. 4.65 - 9.

10. Be happy with all aspects of my life -- job, where I live, eyebrows, etc. This is the ongoing resolution. Stop doing things and going places that don't make me happy just to please other people. Do things that I want that will improve my life. If that stupid girl on The City can walk AND talk at the same time, I think anything is humanly possible. We should all learn from me. I'm already almost halfway to my new years resolutions! At the rate I'm going my year could be over in a few weeks.