Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bright Yellow IS Invisible

Bright high-liter yellow can't be seen by the naked eye, without careful squinting. That means it's invisible. Simple as that. See? It's hard to read.

Updates: Learned how to cook stuffed peppers today. It's important to learn one new thing every day. Otherwise you're an idiot. Also salad of the day is "Rome Salad" which consists of lettuce, and avocados, without the lettuce. So, where does that fancy international name come from, you wonder? Don't ask me. Ask Mickey Ratt.

Mickey Ratt can be reached at

1 comment:

Mickey said...

It comes from the ancient Romans who discovered avocados long before Central and South America made it hip. They also got belly button rings and streaked their hair like wild raccoons before Jennifer Anison set the trend. So before you go knocking the Romans ask yourself, "what did I ever do for humanity?" and if the answer has anything to do with naval jewelry or multi-colored hair, then congratulations, champ. You deserve a salad too.