Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Whoever Said All Western Food Was Bland Never Tried This

Amanda Blank cd starring Robin Gibb:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Extinct Art Forms Can Be Fun!

Letterpress stationary...type set by hand, printed on a Chandler & Price; linoleum cut printed on a Vandercook press, at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena, California. This was my virgin experience with letterpress and it was time consuming but the end result is nice and worth it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

If Life Were A Malcolm Gladwell Novel, We'd All Be Playing Ice Hockey

Is it just me, or do my drawings get exponentially better each time? Some quality time with Robin today. Just hang out with him. Get to know him.

Starring: Robin Gibb Co-Starring: Goat medallion (no Druid priests were harmed in the making of these drawings)

Robin, relaxing.