Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tastes like revolution...or is that just my gum?

'I'm a woman's man, no time to talk.' If I was a dude, this would be my mantra. And I would have hair like Barry's.. and I'd have too many girls.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Up next, I hope you'll enjoy a song by Barry Gibb

The Mountain Man's Three Wolf Moon Shirt: a modern take.

Eagle shaped chairs add a little edge to your look.

Maurice always asking the tough questions.

Barry asks the other tough questions.

and sometimes he just is.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Your Wildest Dreams Can Come True...

Oh yes, they can. Open your ears and hearts and let in the sweet sounds of falsetto. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by the sexual edge and prowess of the Gibbs. It happens.

Maurice is the realistic brother.

Classic Barry, onstage, living the dream!

Maurice looking pensive.

Random Barrys.

Cold hands, warm heart. Big hair and beard, big...heart?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Barry(s) o' the day

Self-explanatory. Power of the beard and medallion. Written by Barry. Produced by Barry.

He was a lyricist.

Beard/body shot.

Fancy hair.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

B/C it's the newest trend, like, for realz? Get with it!

Today marked the start of my own personal newest trend. I'm going to draw Barry Gibb, frontman of the Bee Gees, every day. For the next month. A quick couple-minute portrait with a sharpie. And maybe I'll draw his brothers too if I'm feeling nice.

Today's effort here:

Love ya Bar! Today's song: "You Should Be Dancing."

More Barry (a little more detailed and also one in which he resembles Santa....):

Robin and Maurice (the twins!)