Friday, January 16, 2009

Lobotomies: Fashionably in, or just Plain Fashionable??

The Samuels Advertising company espresso machine underwent surgery. Please send flowers to 1638 Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, care of Kristen.

The machine is now on a strict prescription of Intelligentsia Black Cat Espresso Blend.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 you're all mine--NEW YEARS REZZzzz.

I promised Jane one of my new year's resolutions would be writing more and upkeeping my blog. Take my aggression out here instead of sending incredibly long emails to people who don't deserve them anyway...sigh.

I got a couple resolutions for 09, yes I do.

1. BE NICE (r). Try not telling people to rot in hell. Status: resolution kept! Bam. 1 for 1. I'm a better person already. Fab. Learn from me.

2. Train for half marathon. Status: if you count sitting in traffic, drinking coffee and unpacking "training" then ..resolution kept! 2 for 2.

3. Upkeep my blog. Status: doing it right now. Bitch you crazy! 3 for 3.

4. Naming things that I'm doing as resolutions to make myself look productive....Status...Yeeeees. 4 for 4.

5. Redo my website so it's more functional. Ah. Damn. I'm being distracted by my blog!!! 4 - 5.

6. Upgrade my laptop with more RAM. guh. What's ram? Confound your RAM, toll troll! 4 - 6.

7. Get a new job. Ongoing. 4 - far.

8. Finish unpacking AND go through stuff. Kind of doing this. About halfway to three quarters done. 4.5 - 8.

9. Publish book. That I wrote. This could happen! Maybe. 4.65 - 9.

10. Be happy with all aspects of my life -- job, where I live, eyebrows, etc. This is the ongoing resolution. Stop doing things and going places that don't make me happy just to please other people. Do things that I want that will improve my life. If that stupid girl on The City can walk AND talk at the same time, I think anything is humanly possible. We should all learn from me. I'm already almost halfway to my new years resolutions! At the rate I'm going my year could be over in a few weeks.