Friday, October 5, 2007

Everyone Needs a Eurotrash Crush

Yeah, I got one. It's pretty great. Not only can they insult you/talk about you in another language while sounding sexy as hell, but they can say the meanest things to you with their hot hot accents and then smile. Which is a killer combo. Like, "I figured you out. You're mean."
And if they live in Hollywood, well that only elevates how classy they are. When I see a European wearing white loafers holding their arm out to take a picture of Michael Jackson's star with their blackberry, it makes me weak in the knees.
Mickey and I made SUV bumper stickers today. Find out about our newest work on

But do us a favor. Don't look it up on work time. It's unfair to your employer. If everyone surfed the net for a half hour every day....well it would probably cost about $13,000 to the company a year.****

***This fact was materialized by our own boss. It is not true. It has no basis in reality.