Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Blog Express® (8 minutes or less)

We have..ooh now 6 minutes left until it's time to leave for the day. It's Mickey's last week. This is a big big week everybody. I have only 3 days of Mickey left. Gotta get all my Mickey time in. Let's sum it up. It's been a wild ride.
You know what I'm going to miss most about my surly black haired (read:evil--it's true just go watch any walt disney movie) co-worker? One word. Pookums. The li'l slice of heaven shaped like a shitzu. Yep.

Michelle, my belle....this is what I have to say to you.

"You're beautiful."

Now I'm going to leave and enjoy myself some traffic on the 10. Adieu.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Everyone Needs a Eurotrash Crush

Yeah, I got one. It's pretty great. Not only can they insult you/talk about you in another language while sounding sexy as hell, but they can say the meanest things to you with their hot hot accents and then smile. Which is a killer combo. Like, "I figured you out. You're mean."
And if they live in Hollywood, well that only elevates how classy they are. When I see a European wearing white loafers holding their arm out to take a picture of Michael Jackson's star with their blackberry, it makes me weak in the knees.
Mickey and I made SUV bumper stickers today. Find out about our newest work on http://somethingagainstfun.blogspot.com/

But do us a favor. Don't look it up on work time. It's unfair to your employer. If everyone surfed the net for a half hour every day....well it would probably cost about $13,000 to the company a year.****

***This fact was materialized by our own boss. It is not true. It has no basis in reality.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Today, In List Form

1. woke up—aka, graced the world with an outrageous amount of excellence —7am
2. remember how much i like being in bed
3. stand up
4. got back in bed
5. tried to remember my dream from last night, contained a few important ideas in it, like cures for certain diseases, secret code translations, and magic spells
6. couldn't remember dream—ideas lost forever
7. lamented lost ideas
8. joyfully leapt out of bed, excited to go to work*
9. my housekeeper cleaned my room, made me breakfast while i dressed myself in my emilio pucci dress that i stole from amy winehouse(little slut)*
10. got in my bright purple TOYOTA PRIUS with a BOSE STEREO SYSTEM that i plugged my APPLE IPOD into and listened to my fave ITUNES playlist**
11. took my pet luck dragon into the office, where it destroyed all the other dogs in a dog fight, except for pookums
12. existed
14. drank iced coffee

*this is a lie
**this is not only a lie but a blatant advertisement. has everybody sold out when even a blog is all about product placement?
***there is no number 13. 13 is an unlucky number and is only used by wiccans, pagans, and hipsters wearing MOCCASINS.

read michelle's blog at michelleleclerc.blogspot.com

Thursday, August 16, 2007

You Can Stop Holding Your Breath

So, you've heard the news. Or haven't you?

We're opening a print shop. There's really no other option. Overwhelming response is an understatement. Our fans are in a fucking frenzy over our newest poster for Tigersgate Films "He Drives Me Crazy"....so Michelle LeClerc and I are opening Manuels Advertising. The funny thing is that it won't be for advertising. It's silk screening.

Right now our fan base includes Yonni's Coffee and Cha Cha Lounge.

Question of the day: Should mean people be overcharged?

Answers to this and more coming up....don't forget to check back later!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bright Yellow IS Invisible

Bright high-liter yellow can't be seen by the naked eye, without careful squinting. That means it's invisible. Simple as that. See? It's hard to read.

Updates: Learned how to cook stuffed peppers today. It's important to learn one new thing every day. Otherwise you're an idiot. Also salad of the day is "Rome Salad" which consists of lettuce, and avocados, without the lettuce. So, where does that fancy international name come from, you wonder? Don't ask me. Ask Mickey Ratt.

Mickey Ratt can be reached at michelleleclerc.blogspot.com

Monday, July 9, 2007

Can I Go Swimming In Your Iced Latte?

This first blog entry is dedicated to the little asian baby I saw this morning, whose mother put him in a baby car seat ON THE GROUND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET while she searched her double parked SUV for her Louis Vuitton diaper bag and tiny french teacup poodle. Poor baby. I should've stopped and picked it up. That baby and I could be hanging out right now. I wouldn't leave it in the street.
Current feeling: Abandoned
BUT! This is my first blog ever. Let's make it positive. It's sunny today! And I'm drinking an iced coffee! And it's a beautiful summer day!
In other news-Michelle LeClerc and I have just decided on our first collaborative project together. We'll unveil the idea at a much later date.